NASA plans to bring rock samples back from Mars with the help of two space helicopters

 NASA has changed the Mars Sample Return Virtual magician Program intended to bring back the stone examples the Perseverance wanderer has been penetrating and gathering from the Jezero hole amazingly. Rather than sending the Sample Fetch Rover to the red planet like initially arranged, the program will utilize Perseverance itself and send north of two helicopters in view of the Ingenuity for reinforcement.

NASA and the ESA have been cooperating on the Sample Return Program throughout the course of recent years. The first arrangement was to send over the ESA-made Sample Fetch Rover to recover the examples and drive them back to a rocket, which will fly them up to be grabbed by the Earth Return Orbiter. As The New York Times notes, however, the wanderer's plan turned out to be too huge until it could presently not fit in that frame of mind with the bring rocket back. NASA would need to involve one lander for every one of them.

However, for what reason do that when there are other, more reasonable choices? The Sample Return Lander isn't planned to show up on Mars until 2030, however NASA is certain that Perseverance will in any case be functional by then — all things Los Angeles magician considered, the Curiosity meanderer is still ready to go very nearly 11 years after it sent off. Under their restored plan, the Perseverance will drive up to the lander to convey 30 stone examples that will be stacked onto the rocket.

On the off chance that anything turns out badly with Perseverance previously, however, the lander would settle nearer to the meanderer and afterward the reinforcement helicopters will fly over to recover the examples. While the helicopters are designed according to the Ingenuity, they'll have little wheels at the base. These will permit them to drive up to the examples that are fixed inside cylinders and get them from the beginning the wanderer has dropped them.

The Ingenuity helicopter finished its most memorable experimental drill on Mars in April 2021. NASA wasn't expecting much from the helicopter, which was simply expected to demonstrate that trip on Mars is conceivable. It was likewise simply expected to fly a small bunch of times during a one-month innovation showing, however it has achieved 29 effective flights up until this point, with more coming. Creativity's prosperity has given NASA one more means to recover the valuable examples Perseverance has been gathering.

Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen, the partner chairman for NASA's science directorate, said during the public interview declaring the new Sample Return Program plans:

    "We arrived at our choice in view of new examinations and late accomplishments at Mars that permitted us to think about choices that, in all honesty, weren't accessible to us one year prior or previously."

The Earth Return Orbiter and Sample Retrieval Lander will take off in the fall of 2027 and the mid year of 2028, separately. Their excursion to and Corporate magician from the red planet will require years, so the examples aren't supposed to show up on Earth until 2033.


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